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Hongbin Sun
Research Area:
Power System Operation Control, Automation of Power System Scheduling, Information Theory in Electric Power System
Prof. Hongbin Sun received his BEng degree and PhD degree from Tsinghua University, China, in 1992, 1996, respectively. He is presently working as a Professor in the College of Electrical and Power Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology. His current research concerned with power system operation control, automation of power system scheduling, and information theory in electric power system.
(1) Hongbin Sun, Qinglai Guo, Boming Zhang, Wenchuan Wu, Bin Wang, Xinwei Shen, and Jianhui Wang. "Integrated Energy Management System : Concept, design, and demonstration in China,” IEEE Electification Magazine,2018, vol.36,no.2, pp.42-50.
(2) Hongbin Sun, Feng Zhao, Hao Wang, Kang Wang, Weiyong Jiang, Qinglai Guo,Boming Zhang, Louis Wehenkel. Automatic Learning of Fine Operating Rules for Online Power System Security Control, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2016,vol.27, no.8, pp 1708-1719.
(3) Hongbin Sun, Qinglai Guo, Boming Zhang, Ye Guo, Zhengshuo Li, and Jianhui Wang. Master-slave-splitting based Distributed Global Power Flow Method for Integrated Transmission and Distribution Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, V6,N3,May 2015, Pages:1484-1492.
(4) Hongbin Sun, Qinglai Guo, Boming Zhang, Wenchuan Wu, Bin Wang. An Adaptive Zone Division Based Automatic Voltage Control System with Applications in China, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 2013,28(2):1816-1828.
(5) Hongbin Sun, Feng Gao, Strunz,K., Boming Zhang. Analog-Digital Power System State Estimation Based on Information Theory-Part I: Theory,IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2013,SG-4(3):1640 - 1646.
(6) Honghin Sun, Feng Gao, Strunz, K., Boming Zhang, Qingxin Li. Analog-Digital Power System State Estimation Based on Information Theory-Part ll: Implementation and Application, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2013,SG-4(3):1647-1655.
(7) Tao Yang, Hongbin Sun, Anjan Bose. Transition to a two-level linear state estimator—Part l: architecture. lEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2011, 26(1):46-53.
(8) Tao Yang, Hongbin Sun, Anjan Bose. Transition to a two-level linear state estimator—Part Ⅱ: algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2011,26(1):54-62..
(9) Zheng Qia, Lin Jia, Wei Zha, Qinglai Guo, Hongbin Sun. Static voltage stability margin considering the coupling of natural gas and power system,2018 IEEE Power &Energy Society General Meeting, Portland, USA, August 5-9, 2018.
(10) Xue Taj, Hongbin Sun, Qinglai Guo, Zihao Li. A distributed power routing method between regional markets based on Bellman-Ford Algorithm.2017 IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration, Beijing.
(11) Tongtian Sheng, Qinglai Guo, Hongbin Sun, Zhaoguang Pan. Two-stage State Estimation Approach for Combined Heatand Electric Networks Considering the Dynamic Property of Pipelines[C].9th International Conference on Applied Energy,ICAE2017, August 2017,Cardiff.
(12) Zhaoguang Pan, Qinglai Guo, and Hongbin Sun, "A dynamic soft constraint method for thermostatically controlled appliances scheduling".2016 IEEE PES General Meeting.
(13) Zhengshuo Li, Qinglai Guo, Hongbin Sun and Hangli Su."ADMM-Based decentralized demand response method in electric vehicle virtual power plant". 2016 IEEE PES General Meeting.
(14) Jini Dong, Qinglai Guo, Hongbin Sun, Zhaoguang Pan. "Research on State Estimation for Combined Heat and PowerNetworks”".2016 IEEE PES General Meeting.
(15) Zhaoguang Pan, Qinglai Guo, Hongbin Sun. A Robust Method Based Storage Aggregator Model for Grid Dispatch. 2015 IEEE PES General Meeting, Denver 2015.
(16) Runze Chen, Hongbin Sun, Wenchuan Wu, Yizhong Hu and Boming Zhang. "Parameter ldentifiability Analysis of Power System Transient Models Based on Profile Likelihood ".2014 IEEE PES General Meeting, Washington D.C., USA, July, 2014.
(17) Tao Ding, Hongbin Sun,Chad Harle,Fangxing Li,Rui Bo. "Bi-level Linear Programming Based Interval Optimization for SCED in the Presence of Wind Power Uncertainty," IEEE PES General Meeting National Harbor, MD, Jul.27-31,2014.
(18) Tao Ding, Guo Cinglai, Sun Hongbin, Bin Wang, XuFengda. A quadratic robust optimization model for automatic voltage control on wind farm side [J].IEEE PES General Meeting, pp1-5, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 21-25 July 2013
(19) Jianan. Mu, Hongbin.Sun, Qinglai Guo, Wenchuan Wu,F.D.Xu, and Boming Zhang. "Design of an online intelligent alarming system for cascading falures of group of wind farms," in Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PES),2013 IEEE,2013,pp.1-5.
(20) Qinglai Guo, Hongbin Sun, Yifeng Liu, Rui Chen, Bin Wang, Boming Zhang, Distributed Automatic Voltage Control Framework for Large-scale Wind Integration in China, IEEE PES General Meeting, 2012,San Diego, USA, July 22-26,2012.
(21) Qingxin Li, Hongbin Sun, Jing Wang, Boming Zhang, Wenchuan Wu, Qinglai Guo. Substation Three-phase Nonlinear State Estimation Based on KCL.2011 IEEE/PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition, March 20,2011- March 23,2011,Phoenix,AZ, United states.
(22) Qinglai Guo, Yao Wang, Hongbin Sun, et, Research on Architecture of lTS based Smart Charging Guide System, IEEEPES General Meeting, 2011, Detroit, USA.
(23) Hongbin Sun, Wleiyong Jiang, Bin Wang, Qinglai Guo, Boming Zhang and Kang Wang. Preliminary Research on Power Demand Model of High Energy Consumers for Smart Grid in China, IEEE General Meeting 2010, July 25-29, Mineapolis, Minesota, uSA.
(24) Hongbin Sun, Hao Wang, Boming Zhang, Feng Zhao. PGFB: A Hybrid Feature Selection Method Based on Mutual Information, 2010 7thInternational Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD 2010),Yantai, Shandong.China,10-12 Aug. 2010,Vol.6, pp2862-2871.
Academic exchange
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